Living the Seaand with ECO BLUE FRIENDLY philosophy

Aquamarine follows the eco-sustainable philosophy in all the activities it offers, spreading an ECO-FRIENDLY lifestyle for the sea and the surrounding environment.
Aquamarine opposes the tendency that often imposes a certain adaptability, which clashes with the need to exploit everything, immediately and in excessive quantities, which is the cause of the deterioration of our world.
Even though scientific progress in the ecological field is enormous, changing one's habits in this sense is not always easy.
The encounter with the SEA arouses one of the greatest emotions that man can feel in the presence of nature, the environment that most inspires respect and water, which from an unconscious point of view recalls the maternal womb and our birth
LiveECO BLUE FRIENDLY it means taking all the measures needed to pollute less, to avoid waste which not only saves us money, but also reduces our quantity of "pollution” which we inevitably pour onto the planet.
Eco-friendly means being friends with nature and doing what we can, even if in our own small way, to pollute less. It's not difficult and it really also leads to economic results. Some thought that eco-sustainable living was more expensive and therefore excluded it, but it doesn't necessarily have to be, in fact it can become a real lifestyle, especially on a sailing boat.
By protecting nature, we protect ourselves from the effects ofpollution and above all future generations: ours and our children's children. These practices are increasingly conscious nowadays. Many people have understood not only its usefulness, but also its need. There is a need to reduce the impact that man has on the environment and nature.
Our mission is therefore that of spreading responsibility, the culture of love and understanding towards that of which the human being is not a guest, but of which he is a part: Nature.
Use sunscreens that do not pollute. For a day on the beach you certainly cannot miss a sunscreen to protect yourself from the damage of UVA, UVB and IR rays, but it is very important to choose a product that does not pollute the sea. It is increasingly easier to find organic and eco creams on the market, which do not use chemical sun filters which are highly toxic for the sea and its organisms.
Zero waste. Bringing bags to collect wrappings and packages is essential to keeping the beach clean. Furthermore, it is even better to avoid producing waste, for example by not purchasing disposable products.
Avoid hotels built on the beach. No to eco-monsters! Unfortunately, Italian beaches have been built over over the years and in some cases destroyed. Rather than staying in these structures, it is always better to choose eco-sustainable ones, even if a few steps further away, which offer organic food, respect nature and greenery, which use bio architecture and which are attentive to energy saving.
No plastic bottles. Do you know that at this rate in 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans? It is always important to avoid buying plastic bottles, and even more so on the beach. You can bring comfortable water bottles, from the most classic to the most modern ones.
Digital detox holiday on the beach. Why not give up electronic devices at least on the beach? Enjoy the beauty of the sea, the scent of salt and the company of friends or family.
Sand is not a souvenir. Even today we read about someone stopped at the airport with a bottle full of sand: a crime that seriously damages the environment, taking away from places what nature took millennia to create. It may seem like a harmless gesture, but instead it causes serious damage to fragile ecosystems. Imagine if everyone did it…
A green lunch or snack. Seasonal and zero kilometer fruit and vegetables, reusable containers, biodegradable plates and cutlery: even lunch on the beach can be sustainable.
Which beach?To be green it is also important to choose the right beach, or rather the one you can reach most easily by giving up the car and using the train or bike!
We leave jellyfish and starfish in their sea. Someone will still remember the story of the baby dolphin who died because of tourists looking for an original selfie. It is much more common to find jellyfish and starfish in children's buckets left out in the sun. Rather than killing animals like this, teach the little ones respect for them and for all of nature.
A bag worth 10. Do you know the classic family preparing to go to the beach with a thousand bags? We advise you not to buy a bag for every single need, especially avoiding beach ones, which are almost always made of plastic.
Here are our little tips for experiencing the SEA and SUMMER in an eco-friendly and sustainable way!
Aquamarine puts ECO BLUE FRIENDLY living into practice on a daily basis through sailing activities:
2) We use biodegradable plates, cutlery, napkins and glasses.
3) We use organic and biodegradable cleaning products, hand cleaners, dishes and bubble baths.
4) We use sea water and are aware of the value of fresh water on board.
5) We do not use bubble baths or polluting shampoos on board.
SMALL RULES on our sailing boats: CLICK HERE to read the regulations on board.
We wish you to experience the Sea and Sicily with Love, Respect and Passion!
Team Aquamarine